AA-Accordion Slider - CSS3 Featured Projects


AA-Accordion Features

  • Simple! You can easy integrate
    it on any website!

  • Customizable item width , height

  • Preload images

  • Custom effects – easing effects – default easeOutQuad

  • Custom caption with title, content & link

  • Black / white image effects

  • Keyboard navigation

  • AnimationSpeed: 350

  • StartWidth: 500 – Item initial width

  • startAfter: 1300- Start after x seconds (1000 = 1s)

  • PauseOnHover: true

  • Autoplay: true, // autoplay easing

  • AutoplaySpeed: 3000 // autoplay interval speed

  • Add as many items that you want

Compatible BrowsersIE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software VersionjQuery
Demo URL
High ResolutionNo
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, CSS, PHP
Video Preview Resolution

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download AA-Accordion Slider - CSS3 Featured Projects } $info={97Mb} $button={Download Free}

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